About Me

Hi, my name’s Tammy. It’s lovely to meet you.

I’m a writer on the path to finding my true self.

Girl in red dress in foxglove
I’ve squeezed myself into many boxes over the years: daughter, student, girlfriend, teacher, and beauty therapist to name a few. It’s my mission in life to manifest my magic by being unapologetically me. If I can help people manifest their magic along the way, then that’s something to thank the universe for.

I graduated from university in 2015 with a MA in Creative and Critical Writing (and I’m fiercely proud of that) but I had no idea what to do.

I had all the gear and no idea.

I wanted to be a writer, but the pressure to pay bills and find a ‘stable career’ got the better of me and so I followed my love of learning into teaching. At first, I was a learning support assistant (which I loved) but I yearned to be at the front of the class; inspiring young minds to fall deeply in love with reading and writing as I did. A year later I was teaching English to secondary-level students – a tough crowd.

I became disillusioned after teaching took a heavy toll on my mental well-being. Something I passionately feel needs to be addressed within the education sector. Although I loved teaching I knew, for my own sake, I had to find another path.

One day, on my way to work, I announced: ‘I’m going to study beauty therapy.’

After completing a year as a teacher, I swerved the steering wheel onto my new path and never looked back.

It was the best decision I ever made.

I found myself again. Through calm and creativity. It was a vocation where I could help people through my empathic abilities and discover my love of all things spiritual: crystals, meditation, yoga, tarot cards, and clairvoyance. It led me to my partner – my twin flame – who encouraged this side of me to grow and flourish.

Yet there was an itch I could not scratch.

I’d told myself, ‘this job will give me time to write.’ To write the novel screaming to be let out inside my brain. Then life carried on and two years passed and still no novel. Not a letter.

I had to move forward.

Girl in red dress on tree
I reached out to the universe and found a new job as a content marketing executive, but the universe had other plans and a pandemic came into play and I was thrust into unemployment for the first time in five years.

I could have taken this as a setback. Honestly, I believe everything happens for a reason and the universe is telling me to do something: to write. So here I am.

Welcome to my home, make yourself comfortable.

The light in me recognises the light in you.

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