Saturday 11 March 2023

How to Charge your Crystals

a collection of a wide variety of crystals in different shapes and sizes in a green tray on a table

Before your crystal finds you, it will have been on a journey. Handled from excavation to arriving in your hands. Therefore, their energy may have been zapped and used up along the way. Once you’ve cleansed your crystals, you need to charge them. This will provide them with the new and invigorated energy they need as you harness their properties. Here’s a few methods to charge your crystals:

Sunlight and/or moonlight

To give your crystals a natural boost, charge them by placing them in direct sunlight or moonlight. The bright light will penetrate the stones and fill them with positive energy. Be aware: some crystals don’t like sunlight, so be sure to do some research or they may become damaged. For a super charge, leave them out for 24 hours to be fully revitalised by the sun and cleansed by the light of a full moon.

Crystals that don’t like sunlight: amethyst, aquamarine, aventurine, beryl, citrine, fluorite, kunzite, rose quartz, sapphire and smoky quartz.

Physical contact

We can provide energy to crystals through our own vibrations that surge through our natural bio-magnetic field. Hold or rub your crystal whilst setting your intention. Channel your energy into your crystal and imagine your own aura or spirit surrounding and charging the stone.

Reiki or healing energy

This is an intuitive practice where you direct energy into the crystal. Ensure your mind is focused and direct the intended positive energy towards the crystal in front of you. This can be done whilst meditating too. As it’s based on your intuition, you may feel when the crystal is fully charged.


fire and ice quartz crystal next to a small house plant

Water can be used to cleanse and energise your crystals. Just make sure to check if your crystals like water first. A spring or stream is perfect, but a running tap will also do the job! Imagine the water eliminating all the negative energy and rebalancing the crystal with its natural minerals.

Crystals that don’t like water: angelite, calcite, kunzite, kyanite, labradorite, malachite, turquoise and selenite.

Copper pyramid

Copper pyramids are becoming an increasingly popular way to charge your crystals. This could be because nothing else is required. The copper is conductive and the pyramid algins with the Earth’s magnetic field. This means placing a crystal within the pyramid will activate and enhance its energy and amplify its healing properties.

Spray with essences

This method incorporates the power of air. You can make your own essence to charge your crystals. Just spray your intended crystal lightly whilst stating your intentions.

Quartz or amethyst cluster

This is ideal for smaller crystals. Place them on top of a quartz or amethyst cluster for 24 hours and allow their power to recharge your stone.

Sound vibrations

a Tibetan singing bowl with a tower crystal and incense tray in the background
Using a singing bowl, tingsha bells or tuning forks is a great way to charge your crystals through sound vibrations. It will allow the crystal to vibrate at a higher frequency and therefore amplify its properties. These vibrations are also great for rebalancing the energy of a room and yourself.

It doesn’t matter which method you choose (except for those crystals who a more sensitive to the elements than others), what matters is which method suits you and your lifestyle. After a while, their energy sources will begin to deplete so it’s important to know when to charge and cleanse your crystals too.


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