Monday 22 June 2020

5 Easy Ways to Go Plastic Free

sustainable alternatives
"The first piece of plastic ever made, still exists today."
 *This post contains links but I am in no way sponsored - I'm just sharing what I love!*

I don’t think I’m alone when I say this fact terrifies me. Our planet is close to breaking point and if we don’t act now, we might lose her altogether, which is why I decided to embark on the journey to plastic-free living. At first, I felt overwhelmed. Plastic is everywhere. Where do I even begin?

I attended a film festival in London and watched a short documentary called Not Suitable for Recycling, directed by James Llewelyn. It showed me that to help our planet, we must take it one step at a time. It’s okay that we don’t make this transition overnight. It’s not achievable. If we threw every piece of plastic out of our homes in one fell swoop, we’d have a more detrimental impact on the environment due to the huge amount of plastic waste we’ve just bombarded it with.

I started by evaluating my day-to-day life and asked myself: what are the most obvious ways I can reduce my use of plastic? These are a few easy steps I’ve made towards a plastic-free life:

Reusable Face Wipes

As someone who is a little lazy when it comes to my skincare regime, I was living off single-use facial wipes to remove my make-up. Not sustainable at all. It was one of the main things that bugged me because it was so obvious how wasteful it was and how damaging they are to the environment. I bought reusable face wipes at last year’s Berkshire County Show from Bunting By Jen. Handmade and adorable; they were perfect. I haven’t looked back since. Not to mention I was supporting a small business and now had a contact for bespoke bunting for my best friend’s baby shower!

Beeswax Wraps

My partner and I were sick of using clingfilm or plastic bags to cover and keep our food fresh. Bunting By Jen also makes beautifully designed beeswax wraps so we grabbed them! Now his work sandwiches are always protected, and I keep my vegetables wrapped for another day. They’re super easy to use and easy to clean, simply rinse with cool water and leave to dry!

Tote Bags

Plastic bags at supermarkets drive me crazy! I was so pleased when large chains started to make changes to support the plastic-free movement. I know we’re a long way off from perfect, but it’s the small steps that lead to the big change. Every time I go to the shops – supermarket or other – I bring a trusty tote. Leave a few in your car and one in your handbag. Initially I found I was getting to the supermarket and kicking myself because I’d left it at home and there’s only a certain amount of room in an already stuffed handbag!

Reusable Water Bottle and Coffee Cup

This is such a simple way to reduce plastic consumption. For me, plastic water bottles are a thing of the past. Once again, I found my alternative at the Berkshire County Fair. I have a Built stainless-steel bottle. It’s BPA free, double walled and vacuum insulated. Stays cold for 24 hours or stays hot for 6. I really love it and no plastic!

Use Soap Bars

Another thing that I realised is how pointless liquid soap in a plastic bottle is, and how simple it was to change over to hard soap. I bought three bars of Savon de Marseille (a biodegradable, cruelty free and vegan soap that required no packaging) last year and I’m still using the first one. My hands are clean, my skin feels smooth and I have one less plastic bottle in my bathroom.

Of course, these are only a few steps on the way to plastic-free living, but they’re steps that I found relatively easy to take. Small steps will feel less daunting and give you the confidence to keep going and ditch the plastic one piece at a time. 

What steps have you taken to go plastic-free?



  1. Thank you so much for the Bunting By Jen mentions. I love coming up with new ideas to help reduce waste and the wraps and wipes were a brilliant way to star this. I also try to make them as bright and as fun as possible because no one should have a boring sandwich wrap. Jen xx

    1. Glad to mention and share! I loved all the different patterns - it was so hard to choose! The bespoke bunting you made for my friend's baby shower is now hanging up pride of place in the nursery too 😊 xx


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