Monday 3 August 2020

Himalayan Salt: the lamp, the lie & the legend

Himalayan salt lamps are a beautiful, aesthetic addition to any room in your home and supposedly, they hold some interesting health properties too.

A few years ago, I was desperate to get my hands on one for my bedroom. I found them fascinating and I love all things mysterious and magical. I almost bought one at a Christmas market, but couldn’t justify the expense (after buying so many gifts for my loved ones!) and then I met my oldest friend for a drink and to swap gifts and BAM! She’d bought me a Himalayan Salt lamp! I was blown away by the intuitive nature of her gift and it has sat pride of place on my bedside table ever since.

Recently, I started researching to learn more about these intriguing objects and I was fascinated by what I learnt. There may not be a lot (if any) scientific value behind the benefits of salt lamps, but the theory is there. I was also surprised to learn there are a lot of fakes out there and I looked sadly upon my lamp wondering if it was the real deal or if my friend had been duped.

So, here’s a brief look into the proposed benefits of these lamps and how it all works and a little advice on how to realise if your lamp is legitimate or a lie.

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